Hotels, concert promoters, individuals, and corporations all have this one thing in common. They must consider a long list of logistics when planning an event. And that includes hiring security personnel. These trained professionals have a range of responsibilities to ensure the venue and everyone in it remains safe.
What does event security do? Here are a few of the many duties they are often tasked with:
Screen guests (check tickets, credentials, purses, and other bags).
Patrol the grounds.
Protect guests, employees, and performers.
De-escalate any crowd control issue.
Provide escorts for any guests who become unruly.
Detain or perform a citizen’s arrest on any individual violating the venue rules or law.
Keep accurate, detailed reports on any incidents that can be used for criminal/civil litigation proceedings.
We provide security for various events, including major corporate marketing events, corporate staff events, sports and entertainment, music venues, fairs, festivals, concerts, rallies, and private parties.